From the 21st December we will no longer trade from our Emporium shopfront.
We are moving to more a workshop studio space.
The new studio space is Suite 208/227 Collins St, Melbourne, 3000 Victoria, Australia.
It will have smaller retail display , as well classes will be offered and of course Wendy will still offer her unique 'one only' client custom orders.
Our new location is in the Melbourne CBD. So still very convenient for interstate and overseas as well as local clients.
Appointments are preferred in the new location.
Hours will be generally 11-4 Tues-Friday- **however these hours can be subject to change for operating reasons- eg an off site event.
Please ring and confirm we are open at the time when you want to call in
Appointments are available at other times- subject to availability and pre-booking.
We will be taking orders again from late January.
I am excited that there will be more workshop space for some crazy creations.
First will be a competition piece for the French Hat Museum competition.
WORKSHOPS/CLASSES in millinery are also available at the new space. Private lesson and there will be some small group classes also advertised.
Let me know what you would like to learn!